Negócios de homens | Man business
Foi uma tarde muito produtiva. À entrada, os homens depuseram as armas que trazem consigo diariamente, em sinal de respeito uns para com os outros. Depois tomaram chá e assistiram a algumas danças. Comeram um caril delicioso e lançaram-se por fim numa infindável negociação, respeitante a camelos, tapeçarias, azeite, tecidos e especiarias. Quem os ouvisse diria num minuto que tudo corria bem, para que no minuto a seguir achar que tudo estava irremediavelmente perdido, tal era a gritaria. Chegaram por fim a um acordo e voltaram a beber chá, a assistir a mais umas danças e a comer. À despedida abraçaram-se certos de que o encontro fora benéfico para todos.
It was an intense but productive afternoon. At the entrance, the men deposed their weapons, as a signal of respect to each other. Then they drinked tea and watched some beatiful women dancing. They ate a delicious curry and dived in an endless negotiation concerning camels, tapestry, olive oil, fabrics and spices. The ones who listened to them should say that everything was going well in a minute, to the next minute say that everything was hopelessly lost, as the man shouted to each other in such a loud way. But, in the end, they reached an agreement and again began to drink tea, watch the dancers and to eat. At the end, they hugged each other certain that the deal was fruitful for everyone.